
Job shadowing is the opportunity to visit with an employee (or employees) of a particular business and “shadow” or follow people around in order to observe what they do on a day-to-day basis. It also provides you the chance to ask targeted questions of employees in an intimate setting so you can better understand both the work being done as well as what it took for people to get to their current position. All this will help you as you work through the idea of whether or not it might be a future career pathway of interest for you as well.

为什么工作见习如此重要? 也许有一天你想成为一名护士. 没有做过重要的工作见习, 你怎么能确定这是适合你的职业? Would simply basing what you see on TV or hear off-handed from other people be enough for you? Are you willing to spend 4-5 years of your life and well over $100,为你不确定的事情做准备? What if you get to the end, only to find out you don’t like it? Believe it or not, scenarios like this are actually quite common. Don’t you think you owe it to yourself to do some research about your choices of interest before you invest a bunch of time and money into it? 不管你选择什么样的职业道路, multiple job shadows can give you a much better sense of what you’re getting into long before you get there.

Thinking about future careers and wondering what different jobs are like? Read this guide to learn about job shadowing for high school students, 怎样才能找到好的工作见习机会, 以及充分利用工作见习经验的建议.

Job shadowing is an experience where you spend a day or a few days observing a professional on the job. 在工作见习期间, you can easily learn about different jobs and help decide which careers you would enjoy the most.

在一般情况下, 工作见习包括跟随一名员工, 通常被称为导师, 当他们开始一天的工作时. 工作见习主要包括倾听和观察, but they often give you the chance to perform some simple job duties (but you won’t be able to do things that require special training). You may focus specifically on one job or observe multiple jobs within a company. You will also usually have the chance to speak to other workers and ask them questions about their jobs and career paths.

Job shadowing has many benefits for students, and three of the most important are discussed below:

  •  了解不同的工作 - It lets you directly observe different jobs so you can better understand what different careers entail. Shadowing a job can help you learn if it’s really something you would enjoy. 最好现在就知道你喜欢和不喜欢哪些工作.
  • 与专业人士建立联系 - Making connections with professionals can make it easier for you to find a job or an internship in that field down the road. If you had a great experience, try to keep in touch with the people you met. 他们可能会帮助你或者说几句好话.
  • 被引入职场 - It lets you experience what having a job and being in the workforce is like. This is useful because it will give you a better idea of what to expect when you begin working.

如果你有过不好的经历或者遇到了不好的导师, it can turn you away from a job you had previously been really interested in. The important thing is to remember that you only spent one day at one place, 无论如何,这并不代表他的整个职业生涯. 如果这发生在你身上, 你应该试着建立另一个工作见习, 要么是在不同的地方,但工作相似, 或者在同一个地方,但有另一个导师.

Here are some ways you can set up your own job shadow experience:

  • 与你的学校联系 - Ask your academic adviser for a list of organizations you can contact. 如果你不确定你想在哪里做实习, they can talk to you about your career goals and help you choose a place that will fit your interests.
  • 联系你想工作的地方 – Call or email someone from the company’s human resources department, 或者打电话或发电子邮件给主联系人. Say that you’re a student interested in learning more about certain careers, and you’d like an opportunity to do a job shadow with someone from the company. 列出你为什么选择那家公司的一些原因.
  • 试试社区委员会 -查看具体的公司网站, or view sites like Indeed or Monster and do searches for possibilities. If you see interesting companies hiring for workers or interns, you can also contact them to see if they’d be willing to let you job shadow there.

The more effort and preparation you put into your job shadow, the more you will get out of it. Here are some things you should consider before, during and after your job shadow:


  • 对公司做些调查,这样你就有准备了. If you know who you’ll be shadowing, research their position, too, so you’ll know what to expect.
  • 准备好谈论你自己和你的职业目标. 如果你不确定,没关系. Just be honest and explain that’s why you wanted to do the job shadow - to learn and explore.
  • 准备一些你在实习时可能会问的问题. 这些问题可以是关于工作本身的, 职业领域, 或者你感兴趣的建议.
  • Make sure you know where and when your job shadow will be taking place, and confirm with someone from the company a few days beforehand.


  • Know how to get to the location and allow extra time to ensure you are not late.
  • 着装得体. Unless you will be getting dirty, dress similar to how you would for a job interview. 不要穿t恤、短裤或人字拖.
  • Bring a notepad so you can take down notes and things you learn.
  • Keep your phone off during the job shadow and resist the urge to text or check your social media messages until you’re back home.
  • 热情参与每一项活动. 你想从这次经历中学到尽可能多的东西.
  • 和每一个你遇到的人握手并自我介绍.
  • 尊重别人的时间. 而大多数人会很乐意交谈, 记住,你在别人的工作场所,他们需要工作, 所以尽量不要支配任何人的时间.


  • Send thank-you notes to the person or people you shadowed, and share what you learned.
  • Write up a few sentences on your job shadow experience for your own personal use to remember in the future the details you might otherwise forget.
  • Save contact information and business cards so you can reference them if you need to contact someone, 问后续问题, 或者如果你最终申请了那里的工作.

以上信息改编自克里斯汀 Sarikas说” PrepScholar 文章(8/19/18)题为:完整指南:高中学生工作实习”. 经许可使用.


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